Step By Step…Getting Closer

colombia_bogotaIt has been four weeks since we received our referral and the days are slowly going by. Yesterday we received our appointments to be fingerprinted as part of our FBI background checks. We have to be cleared by the FBI in order to have Cameron’s I-600A approved. This is really good news as this is the only piece that needed to be done before we could travel! So, next Monday we will have to travel to Charleston, SC to take care of this last detail.

We are still waiting for the finalized home study, but should be receiving it any day. They have already sent us a copy to preview and everything looked great! A special thank you to the Families First staff and to our social worker for making this happen so quickly.

We still don’t know exactly when we will need to travel, but we hope to know something this week. If all goes well, I hope that we be traveling by the end of next week (the week of March 8th)! We did find out this week that there will probably be some additional in country travel that we weren’t really planning for, but hopefully it want be much. Though we will be flying into Bogota, Colombia, we will have to travel to another city where Cameron is living.

DSC_0009DSC_0010The big focus right now is working toward the Bring Cameron Home Garage Sale on Saturday, March 6th! We have been cleaning out every nook and cranny of the house looking for things to sell in order to raise some additional cash for the trip and final adoption expenses. So many of you have responded with items for the sale and we really appreciate the donations. I know that these pictures don’t look like much, but the garage is almost full and we are working on filling up the den. If you have anything that we could sell to raise money, please let us know. We are praying for good weather next Saturday and the strength to make it through the week (there is a lot going on this week).

DSC_0008DSC_0007Also, we (mostly Mary Ann) has been working hard on the nursery. We still need to get some things on the wall and the rug on the floor (of course, I probably should finish the top to that dresser too). Mary Ann has done an incredible job with the room. I am sure that Cameron is going to love it.

Here some things that we are asking everyone to pray for:

  • For the preparations for the garage sale and the weather on Saturday.
  • For the completion and translation of our home study.
  • For our travel dates and preparations for the trip and stay in Colombia.
  • For Cameron to be safe and healthy.
  • For God to provide all of the finances that we need to complete the adoption.

We are so grateful to everyone who has been and continues to pray for and support us. We pray that God will richly bless you for your love and generosity.

We look forward to sharing more good news with you soon! God Bless!

Patrick & Mary Ann (and soon to be Cameron)

Another Step Completed

We have been waiting to post another update until we had something to share. It has been a little over two weeks since we received the referral and began the whirlwind process to get everything ready to finalize the adoption. At our last update we were waiting on two pieces, the completed home study and the first confirmation that our INS paperwork was in process. We received notification that our INS paperwork has begun its several week journey and we were able to get the last piece of our home study documentation today thanks to a very special nurse practitioner in our doctor’s office named Jill Beckworth. We learned today that our doctor’s office needed physicals done before they could complete the paperwork needed for the home study (long story), but thanks to Jill, who is an adoptive mother herself, we were able to slip into the office today and she filled out the paperwork while we were there. We left the doctor’s office, stopped by our good friend Dr. Odom’s office for some final documentation for Mary Ann, and off the fax went to Atlanta. We have to follow it up tomorrow with hard copies and hopefully our updated home study will be on its way to be translated, apostilled, and overnighted to Colombia.

Once we get a final copy of the home study, we will send a copy to the Citizen and Immigration Services office in Atlanta to go along with our I-600A. We should be hearing from them soon regarding our FBI fingerprinting which will either be done in Atlanta or Charleston, SC. Once we know which, we will take a quick trip to one or the other and get that taken care of too. Then it is just a matter of the travel date which we hope to find out soon. Our adoption coordinator says that we could hear something as early as this week or possibly as late as next week (we are hoping sooner). It will just be nice to know when we need to travel in order to make final preparations for the trip. Not to mention the longing that is growing in our hearts to be with Cameron.

So what have we been doing in the meantime? Well, we haven’t been sitting still, that is for sure! Several projects have been filling our time including preparations for the big garage sale, preparing the nursery for Cameron, and swinging by Babies-R-Us to setup a registry.

We are planning to have the garage sale on Saturday, March 6th to raise some additional funds for our trip. We are kind of hoping we will have to travel before then, but we are going to plan for it anyway since we really have no idea and could use the extra money for the trip. We are getting rid of a lot of stuff and many of you have offered to donate things for the sale. If you have items that you have been wanting to get rid of, we would be glad to put them in the sale. Mary Ann and Kim Maner have been working to organize the donations for the sale. If you have something you would like to donate, just send one of them an e-mail and let them know. Everyone is welcome to drop by for the sale! You never know what you might find and the proceeds are going toward a great cause! =)

DSC_0007DSC_0003Mary Ann and I have also been making preparations around the house for our new little boy. The office has now become the guest room/office and the guest room is going to be Cameron’s new room. Mary Ann has been painting for the past couple of days and we have been looking for rugs and light fixtures as well as making additions to the closet for Cameron’s things. Poor Bama (our dog) has been trying to figure out what in the world is going on. Boy, is she in for a surprise! =)

IMG00021-20100213-1334In addition to our home improvement adventures, we also took a few minutes to swing by Babies-R-Us to put together a registry for Cameron. Several of our friends have asked about throwing a baby shower for Cameron and asked that we put together a registry. That was an adventure in itself. So many “firsts” that I had really begun to wonder if they would ever come. I had to fight off some tears as Mary Ann sat down to have everything explained. I was able to keep it together enough to snap a quick picture to remember the moment. The young lady that was explaining everything told us that we should be sure to scan 100 to 150 items. My first thought was, “Is that all!” Of course, about an hour and a half into the process I was thinking, “We only have 75 items scanned, what are we going to do!” As it turns out, a lot of items they recommend you put on your registry for a new born don’t really apply to a 1 year old. So, I headed to the electronics department to get Cameron his first game systemIMG00023-20100213-1348! (Not really =) Anyway, after a couple of hours we finally covered the whole store and reached the 150 mark on our little scanner. All of the weird stuff on the list is my fault (Mary Ann said that I could scan whatever I wanted =). The plan is to have Cameron’s baby shower once we get back so that everyone can see him. Kim Maner is working on the planning of the shower and will set the date once we know better when we will be getting back home from Colombia. If you have questions about the shower, feel free to send her an e-mail.

Well, that is were things stand right now. I always plan to make these updates short, but they always seem to end up going on and on. Guess I am a little excited about all that is happening. I have to admit that I am also a bit humbled by all of the folks that have come forward wanting to help us bring Cameron home. We are so grateful to have friends and family that love us this way. Please continue to pray that God will provide everything that we need to bring Cameron home. We know that the days ahead will not only require a lot of patience and emotional strength, but wisdom to make wise choices. We are praying that when the time comes we will be able to find the best deals on plane tickets and lodging, and that there won’t be any hidden expenses come up during the trip. And if there are, we know that we serve as awesome God who will have prepared us for anything that comes our way.

We love you all and thank you for your prayers. We will let you know as things begin to unfold.

Awaiting His Coming,
Patrick & Mary Ann Mulvehill

Peace Like a River

Well, it has been one week since we got the exciting news from Colombia, but it feels like a month. There were so many things to do and so much to think about that it has been really hard to stay focused on anything else (like work, but don’t tell my boss…grinning sheepishly). We have managed to get our immigration paper work and our home study update both started in a very short period of time. We are very thankful to the folks that have help us with that including our doctor’s office, the Families First ladies, and our adoption coordinator just to name a few. We are also very grateful for the family and friends that have expressed their support and prayers over the last week. We love you all and are looking forward to the role that you will play in Cameron’s life (…tearing up again as I read this, thank you, thank you, thank you!).

Growing up I remember singing that song, “I’ve got peace like a river, I’ve peace like a river, I’ve got peace like a river in my soul.” I always envisioned a quiet peaceful stream lined with trees ordained with the leaves of fall.


Over the past 14 years Mary Ann and I have had several experiences on rivers when I was a youth pastor and more recently as kayaking enthusiast. Sometime the water is exactly like this, quiet and peaceful. You can sit back in your boat and enjoy the creation around you without a care in the world. Peace almost comes natural in a setting like this. It is easy to trust God because there doesn’t seem to be any danger or risk.

raftingWell, right now my river feels more like this! Fast moving, lots of danger, lots of risk, lots of uncertainty. The weird part is that I am just as at peace as if I were floating down the quiet, peaceful stream. It is such a strange sensation when you have that kind of peace. You begin to think that maybe you have slipped into some sort of shock. You think that maybe you are trapped inside your own numb body that is being tossed to and fro in the boat. The class five rapids are straight ahead, but you don’t feel the fear, your not anxious about the outcome. You hear what could be a huge waterfall in the distance, but you are okay with it, because you know Jesus is piloting the boat. I am thankful to God for that kind of peace. I know that He is going to work out all the details. I just need to trust in Him.

Boy, did I just start preaching? Sorry about that (not really). Back to the update.

Right now we are waiting on two things:

First, we are waiting for the completed update to our home study. For those of you not familiar with adoption, the home study is a document that basically lays out your whole life. It tells the state or country that you are adopting from all about you and whether or not you would be good adoptive parents. This is our third round with the home study (the original and two updates), so we are hoping that it will just be a matter of changing a few lines with updated data and we will be good to go. Once complete, the document has to be translated and certified before being sent to Colombia.

The second item is the immigration document that says we are cleared to bring Cameron back into the United States. This application was sent to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service and could take several weeks to process. We are hoping that it gets processed quickly as we will need it to get the necessary clearance in Colombia to come home.

Other than that, we are just waiting on an estimated travel time. We completed our referral acceptance letter this week and it has been received by the adoption agency. They will be translating and overnighting it on Monday of next week. Once received, that should really get things moving.

We have begun planning a little garage sale for the first weekend in March (assuming we are still here) to help raise some money for the trip and final expenses. It is amazing what you are willing to give up when your children are concerned. I am ready to sale all kinds of things that I wouldn’t have considered before (Mary Ann is still waiting to see if I will really get rid of all my books…we’ll see).

Thanks for you continued prayers and support.

Patrick & Mary Ann

The Wait is Finally Over

Mary Ann and I have been in an adoption process for a VERY long time, around five years. During that time we have had lots of emotional ups and downs, searching and asking for God to show us His will in the area of our family. It has been a long, and sometimes painful, road that may soon be coming to an end.

Over the weekend we received and confirmed an adoption referral from the Colombian government. Allow me to introduce Cameron.

Cameron (pictures will be posted soon), which will be his adopted name. He is currently living in an orphanage near Bogota, Colombia awaiting adoption. The Colombian adoption agency has chosen us to be his new adoptive parents.

There are lots of things that need to come together in the next couple of months in order for this adoption to be finalized and we are asking our friends and family to pray with us that it will happen. There are a number of official items that have expired that are needing to be renewed quickly, lots of preparations to be made, and financing to be secured. But we know it will all be worth it once he is home.

If you are interested in keeping up with all the latest information regarding the process, including a daily blog of the trip once we are there, visit the home page and sign up for the E-News & Updates. Doing so will allow you to receive updates anytime we post something about the adoption. You can always get the latest news by going to the Adoption News section.

We wanted to let you know what was happening so that you understand why we might seem a little spacey and preoccupied. Truth is, we are overwhelmed. We had almost given up on this process, but God had a plan. We don’t always understand His timeline, but we can trust in His results.

Thank you for your prayers.

Awaiting His Coming,
Patrick & Mary Ann Mulvehill

Website Changes

We are currently making some changes to our website. Actually, this is a new domain for our personal website since I am changing our domain to hold the new information for our web hosting and design business. So, if you have found your way here, your pretty good.

Anyway, come back soon to see the updates. There is much, much more to come.

09/13/2009 Special Music

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Originally recorded by Ivan Parker.
Sung on September 13th at Calvary in Savannah by Patrick W. Mulvehill.

Reminded of a Promise

I am reminded of a promise that Jesus talked about in Matthew chapter six.

Matthew 6:3-4 (NLT)
3 But when you give to someone in need, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.
4 Give your gifts in private, and your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.

The promise here is that there are rewards for giving. The apostle Paul eludes to this promise as well when he addressed the Philippian believers in Philippians chapter four.

Philippians 4:10-17 (NLT)
10 How I praise the Lord that you are concerned about me again. I know you have always been concerned for me, but you didn’t have the chance to help me.
11 Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have.
12 I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little.
13 For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
14 Even so, you have done well to share with me in my present difficulty.
15 As you know, you Philippians were the only ones who gave me financial help when I first brought you the Good News and then traveled on from Macedonia. No other church did this.
16 Even when I was in Thessalonica you sent help more than once.
17 I don’t say this because I want a gift from you. Rather, I want you to receive a reward for your kindness.

The Old Testament reminds of this promise as well as I read the story of the widow women who received a blessing for her generosity and sacrifice.

1 Kings 17:16 (KJV)
16 And the barrel of meal wasted not, neither did the [jar] of oil fail, according to the word of the LORD, which he spake by Elijah.

I have always wondered about that little barrel of meal and jar of oil. Did the widow women awake the next morning to find her jar of oil overflowing and her barrel of meal too heavy to lift? The wording we find in the scripture seems to indicate that there was always just enough for the day. That each morning she would awake to find just enough flour and oil for one more days provision.

This doesn’t mean that God doesn’t provide in abundance! There are several instances in scripture when God provides above and beyond the need of the moment. Take for example the provision of Jesus to the four thousand plus folks in Mathew chapter fifteen.

Matthew 15:36-38 (KJV)
36 And he took the seven loaves and the fishes, and gave thanks, and brake them, and gave to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.
37 And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the broken meat that was left seven baskets full.
38 And they that did eat were four thousand men, beside women and children.

So God can provide in abundance, but it has been my life experience that He has always provided for my needs one day at a time.

God first made His promise of provision real to me during Christmas time in 1995. I was attending a staff Christmas party with the ministry that I was working for and it was the custom for the ministry to give us gifts each year. This particular year, one of the gifts we were to receive was a piece of frame scripture. There were hundreds of us at the party and dozens of different scriptures had been wrapped and placed randomly on a table for us to walk by and select a gift. I had no idea what scripture had been packaged in the gift I selected, but there was no question that God did, and He put His answer to my prayers in my hand.

You see, this particular Christmas was not like any other one I had ever experienced. Leading up to that party I had been praying a wrestling for months with the biggest decision of my life. I believed that God wanted me to propose to Mary Ann, but I had nothing, no house, no money, and no job. To my logical mind, it was the most ridiculous proposition imaginable! How was I going to provide for a wife without those things. I had worked in ministry for my entire life to that point, and as is often the case, I had sacrificed the pursuit of material things. It just didn’t make sense that I felt a strong leading from God to make this huge, life changing decision without the means to follow through.

Then I opened my gift.

Philippians 4:18-20 (NLT)
18 At the moment I have all I need—and more! I am generously supplied with the gifts you sent me with Epaphroditus. They are a sweet-smelling sacrifice that is acceptable and pleasing to God.
19 And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.
20 Now all glory to God our Father forever and ever! Amen.

Several weeks later I proposed to Mary Ann and she agreed to marry me. I still had no money, no job, and no roof to put over her head. But we had a promise, and that was enough. Before the week as out, God had provided all three things in miraculous ways. For years I had given of myself for God’s Kingdom and He rewarded me for my sacrifice.

I have a silly little deal with God that I often joke about with friends. Being brought up in the Southern Baptist Church, the lottery was always one of those taboos, right up there with fast women and liquor! Only the deacons of the church were allowed to play the lottery.

One day as I was driving to work, I saw the big Mega Millions sign and said to God, “God, if you ever let the lottery get to $333 million, that will be my sign from You that You want me to play and that You intend for me to win.” I figure that if God gives me $333 million dollars, I can probably make the world a little bit better place to live. I have come up with all kinds of plans to use the money to advance the Kingdom of God! And I am sure it wouldn’t hurt to have some nice things for my wife too.

In those moments when I begin to dream about the day when that lottery billboard reaches the magic number 333, the reality of the life God has given me often sets in. The truth is that $333 million dollars would not even begin to make me as rich a man as I am today.  When I think back over the last 13 years since God made that promise in Philippians 4:19 personal to me, I quickly realize how rich I truly am. I learn to say with Paul, At the moment I have all I need—and more! I am generously supplied with the gifts you sent me…”

Whether God supplies your needs day by day or in abundance, the promise is still the same. As we give of ourselves, sharing what we have been given with others, God promises to meet our needs according to His glorious riches.

Addendum: Only weeks after writing this article, the magic lottery number appeared on the lottery billboard. Though it was total out of character for me, I decided to play the lottery as I had been saying I would. It would be a wildly fun story to tell if I had won, but alias, God has chosen to continue provided just enough for each day. I am glad that our God has a sense of humor.

Mountain Vacation Spot

We spent three days in the Smokey Mountians near Copper Hill, TN. We stayed in the Sans Souci cabin that we rented from Cuddle Up Cabin Rentals. The cabin was great!

Other activities in the area include:

Serenity in the Mountains Day Spa – Guys, if you really want to treat your wives to a day of luxury, this is the place to do it. And Hey! the spa isn’t just for the ladies. This spa has special services and facilities for men!

Ocoee Whitewater Rafting – as well as some great mountian biking trails.

CDS High School Project

During the 2006-2007 school year, I had the privelege of working on a new high school building for Calvary Day School in Savannah, Georgia.

CDS High School - Front View

CDS High School - Front Door

Typical Classroom

One of three Computer Labs

Main Computer Lab

Floor Logo

Songs for the Snyders

Here are the songs Mary Ann recorded for you:

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Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.