It has been four weeks since we received our referral and the days are slowly going by. Yesterday we received our appointments to be fingerprinted as part of our FBI background checks. We have to be cleared by the FBI in order to have Cameron’s I-600A approved. This is really good news as this is the only piece that needed to be done before we could travel! So, next Monday we will have to travel to Charleston, SC to take care of this last detail.
We are still waiting for the finalized home study, but should be receiving it any day. They have already sent us a copy to preview and everything looked great! A special thank you to the Families First staff and to our social worker for making this happen so quickly.
We still don’t know exactly when we will need to travel, but we hope to know something this week. If all goes well, I hope that we be traveling by the end of next week (the week of March 8th)! We did find out this week that there will probably be some additional in country travel that we weren’t really planning for, but hopefully it want be much. Though we will be flying into Bogota, Colombia, we will have to travel to another city where Cameron is living.
The big focus right now is working toward the Bring Cameron Home Garage Sale on Saturday, March 6th! We have been cleaning out every nook and cranny of the house looking for things to sell in order to raise some additional cash for the trip and final adoption expenses. So many of you have responded with items for the sale and we really appreciate the donations. I know that these pictures don’t look like much, but the garage is almost full and we are working on filling up the den. If you have anything that we could sell to raise money, please let us know. We are praying for good weather next Saturday and the strength to make it through the week (there is a lot going on this week).
Also, we (mostly Mary Ann) has been working hard on the nursery. We still need to get some things on the wall and the rug on the floor (of course, I probably should finish the top to that dresser too). Mary Ann has done an incredible job with the room. I am sure that Cameron is going to love it.
Here some things that we are asking everyone to pray for:
- For the preparations for the garage sale and the weather on Saturday.
- For the completion and translation of our home study.
- For our travel dates and preparations for the trip and stay in Colombia.
- For Cameron to be safe and healthy.
- For God to provide all of the finances that we need to complete the adoption.
We are so grateful to everyone who has been and continues to pray for and support us. We pray that God will richly bless you for your love and generosity.
We look forward to sharing more good news with you soon! God Bless!
Patrick & Mary Ann (and soon to be Cameron)