This will be Cameron’s page on our family website. I started putting the following information together for the ICBF when we were having so much trouble getting our paperwork finished and the approvals from the National Benefit Center. I wanted the ICBF to know what was waiting for Cameron as part of our family in case they began to believe the process was taking too long. I didn’t want them to give up on us. Some of it might sound a little cheesy, but I guess that is kinda what I was going for. Cheesy, but all true. =)
There were supposed to be pictures too, but I never got around to that. Eventually, I will replace this with stuff for Cameron.
What are some of the things that are waiting for Cameron?
Loving ParentsWe have fallen in love with this baby that we have never met, and believe in our hearts that he was always meant to be our little boy. He is worth everything to us. No amount of time, money, or paperwork will hinder our resolve to bring him home to be with us. We long for him to complete the family that God has design for us. |
A Wonderful HomeHis new home sits in a beautiful neighborhood, admist a sea of cultures. It has a big fenced in yard with plenty of room to run and play. Plans are already underway for a play area designed and built just for him. |
A Special RoomA wonderful new room to call his own, decorated with the loving care of his new mother and father. A room filled with toys and clothes provided by dozens of friends and family that can’t wait to meet him. |
A New Best FriendHis new best friend can’t wait to meet him either. Bama, our 4 year old English Springer Spaniel, can’t wait for Cameron to be old enough to play ball. Bama is the smartest dog we have every known and she loves children. We know that she will become fast friends with him and will be protective of him as she is with us. |
Adoring GrandparentsBoth of our parents can’t wait to meet the newest addition to our family. They have been and continue to be supportive of our decision to adopt and look forward to having Cameron be apart of our family gatherings and traditions. Cameron will have so many experiences with his Grandparents. From carpentery to farming and tending the animals, his experiences with his grandparents will be exciting and memorable. |
Aunts and UnclesHis thirteen aunts and uncles look forward to meeting their new little nephew. |
Network of Supportive FriendsHe will have an incredible group of people to call his friends. Hundreds of people that have supported his mother and father in their adoption process can’t wait to welcome Cameron to his new home. |
The Best in Private EducationWhen the time comes, Cameron will have the opprotunity to experience the best private school that Savannah has to offer. Since his father works for the school, Cameron will be able to attend a school in which he will find loving support and education from Pre-Kindergarten through the twelveth grade. There will be no limit to the opprotunities that he will have in academics, sports, and social activities. |
Connections to the PastWe are commited to keeping Cameron connected with his birth culture. We plan to make opprotunities to travel back to Colombia to visit the country of his birth. We want him to have many opprotunities to learn and embrace the culture that his Colombian hertitage has to offer him. |
Promising FutureThere is no doubt that Cameron will be given every opprotunity to grow physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritual. He will be given the opprotunity to achieve great things and follow his dreams whatever they may be. |