Spent today just focused on getting Cameron adjusted to his new home for the next several weeks. We honestly have no idea how long this whole process will take. Last time we where in Cali only three weeks before leaving for Bogota. There has been a lot of trouble for adoption in Colombia this last year, but everyone is hopeful that with the new year there will be a renewed interest and push to help the 1200+ children that the ICBF has on record that need to be adopted. And that doesn’t take into account any of the orphanages. The courts in Colombia have been on strike for several months, but here in Cali we have been told that everything is going smoothly. All that to say, we could be here for three weeks or we could be here longer. Timing is all in God’s hands.
The morning began at breakfast with a monkey. Well…two monkeys. You all remember George, right? He loved the juice. We then did a little exploring of the hotel. Cameron wants to go down every hallway and look in every room. It is easy to understand his curiosity since this place is more like a big mansion rather than a hotel. We keep having to explain to him that behind each door is someone else’s room. There are lots of stairs and passage ways to explore though and he wants to see them all.
We finally ended up on the new playground, at least new to us. They didn’t have a playground last time, so this is going to be a welcome addition with both boys needing to expend energy. This morning we let both of the monkeys play.
Cameron started on the monkey bars.
George wanted to swing.
After a bit we ate lunch and went back to the room for a nap. Magnolia (our wonderful friend and interrupter) made a date with Cameron to see the Christmas lights this evening. So we napped for a bit and then Enrique (the hotel owner and a great man) asked us if we wanted to change rooms. When we checked in on Thursday he told us that he really wanted to put us in a bigger room once something opened up. He showed us two different rooms and Mary Ann decided on a nice room with lots of floor space for Cameron and Cooper to play. It also had a nice desk for me to do all this writing. =)
So around 5 PM we headed out on the town to look at the Christmas lights in Cali. Magnolia explained that the lights weren’t as big as in past years since the new Mayor decided to spend money on city repairs instead of Christmas lights. However, there were several impressive displays (see the video). The important thing was that Cameron loved it.
We followed our night on the town with a quick dinner and then off to relax in the room before bed. Only two more days before the big day!
Some videos from Day 3: