Website Changes

We are currently making some changes to our website. Actually, this is a new domain for our personal website since I am changing our domain to hold the new information for our web hosting and design business. So, if you have found your way here, your pretty good.

Anyway, come back soon to see the updates. There is much, much more to come.

CDS High School Project

During the 2006-2007 school year, I had the privelege of working on a new high school building for Calvary Day School in Savannah, Georgia.

CDS High School - Front View

CDS High School - Front Door

Typical Classroom

One of three Computer Labs

Main Computer Lab

Floor Logo

The New Look

Well, I worked on this new look for a couple of days. I don’t really know what I am doing, but it seems to work right. I decided to go ahead and make this blog public so that Doy Cave has something to read. Doy is a hero of mine and since he re-published his blog (, I wanted to be just like him. So here it is, the new and improved Weblog. I hope to post a lot of stuff here. Check back often to see how I am doing!!! God Bless!

Our First Blog

Hey! Well this is the first posting to our new weblog at! Though has several means of communication through the site, I think that I am most excited about this one. WordPress seams to be very easy to use and I hope that people visting our site will take a miniute to browse through the articles that will be found here. There is so much that the Lord is doing in our lives, and I look forward to positng those events here. I am also looking forward to documenting some of my thoughts and ideas. I need a place to express myself and I think this will be an idea place to do it. Please know that I am always open to your thoughts and comments. Please feel free to register and comment on any of the articles listed here. I look foward to sharing with you. God Bless!

Awaiting His Coming,