Today was market day! Every Friday the owner of the hotel takes the interested families to the market were he buys the food for the hotel. It is an amazing look at the Colombian culture.
We left the hotel around 10:30 AM with two other families. After a 15 minute drive, we arrived at the market. Enrique, the owner, took us around the market and showed us all of the places that he buys the food. He explained the different fruits and vegetables available in Colombia. It was a extremely interesting trip and we learned a lot.
Later on in the day we ventured out to the Exito, which is a store much like our Walmart. We needed daipers and were told that it was the best place to go. Using Bing Translater, I figured out how to ask the lady at the front desk to call us a taxi (I wrote it all down and showed it to her…she laughed at me, but she was very helpful). =)
The taxi ride cost us $6,500 pesos (about $3.50 US) one way. We got to the store and sure enough, it looked a lot like a Walmart. We wondered around the store trying to find diapers and baby food. Prices really aren’t all that different from the states. Anything that is imported is more expensive, so toys and electronics aren’t something we want to buy here. Food is reasonably priced and clothes are about the same as we would pay at Walmart. All in all, we weren’t that impressed, but we got our diapers! =)
Magnolia e-mailed us last night and offered to take us on an overnight trip to coffee country. She said that she would have to check on some prices for renting a car and get back to us. She called back today and said that she had planned on taking us, another family, and some guest staying with her from the states. The other family decided not to go, so that made the rental price go up for us. Magnolia could just take her car if it was just her and her guests, so we decided not to go. We figured that the whole weekend would have cost a good bit, plus we would have had to pay for the hotel here to keep our room. Though it would have been an interesting trip, we figured it was better to just hang out here for the weekend. We are hoping to hear something more on our court process on Monday.