Colombia Day 13 – Petting Zoo

Today we visited a petting zoo, well, really is was more like a small animal petting theme park. There were a lot of different animals, little refreshment stands and fast food places, a large pond where you could rent a fishing pole and fish, as well as horse back riding. It was an interesting little place and we got to expose Cameron to some more farm animals (preparing him for Grandma Snyders farm). He started out a little scared, but slowly started to warm up to the idea of being near the animals. He never did pet any, but at least he stopped freaking out when they got close. There were a lot more animals than we took pictures of, but you get the idea.

Before I post all of the pictures and video from today, there is one special video that I wanted to highlight. Mommy has been trying to teach Cameron how to give kisses. This is as far as she has gotten. He doesn’t quite understand it yet. =)

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Cameron trying to give Mommy kisses.

Day 13 Photos

Day 13 Videos

Cameron is warming up to the animals.

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These two llamas kept fighting over the food that Mary Ann had in her hand.

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Mommy tries to get Cameron to pet the little donkey.

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Trying to take picture of Cameron on the fence, but he just wouldn’t stay still.

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Cameron loved the slide. Daddy keeps forgetting to tell Mommy that he can’t flip video. =)

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Cameron tried his best to climb back up the slide.