Colombia Day 25 – Final Day

That is right, today is our final day in Colombia!!! We will be flying home tomorrow morning at 9:30 AM and arriving in Savannah around 8 PM. We are looking forward to getting home and introducing Cameron to his new life!

The first week or so will be a transition period for him. The “experts” say that it is important to give him plenty of time to adjust to his new surrounds and to give him time to adjust to his new schedule. I am sure that it will be an adjustment for all of us, including Bama our 4 year old English Springer Spaniel! I am not sure she knows what she is in for! We plan on taking things slow and giving him the time he needs to feel safe in his new home with his new family. Cameron’s big public début will be July 17th at his Welcome Home party (for information on the party contact Kim Maner).

Our final day in Colombia was focused on two things. First, we needed to pickup Cameron’s visa at the US Embassy, and second we needed to get our plane tickets changed. The first couldn’t be done until 3:30 PM so we had a little time this morning to do some last minute sightseeing.

We started our walk under the same dark looking clouds that have been hanging around all week. We keep saying that if we would just stay inside the sun would probably shine. Every time we have gone for a walk here in Bogota, it has rained. Well, today was no exception! We walked for about 20 minutes and then it started to pour! We kept running from store to store trying to stay out of the rain. When it would let up a bit, we ran for the next big store. It was fun!

When we got back we took little nap and then had lunch. At 2:30 PM we where picked up by our driver, Johnny, and Carmen to go to the US Embassy. We walked in and they had the visa ready, no questions asked! It was so fast and easy.

Then we headed to a Delta office to change our tickets. This did not go as well. We arrived at the office around 3:45 PM and did not leave until 6 PM!!! It was crazy! It took longer to buy a ticket for Cameron than it did to get his US visa from the Embassy (the physical time that we had to be there anyway)! There was some sort of mix up with his ticket and the vouchers we were issued on the flight here. It took a couple of hours for them to fix the problem. In the end we somehow ended up paying more for his ticket and were not able to use the vouchers at all! On top of that they charged more to change our tickets than we were told, so needless to say I think I may be writing the airline a little note when we get home! =)

Anyway, after a lot of waiting we finally got all of our tickets arranged. We headed back to the hotel for some dinner, some packing, and hopefully some rest. I am sure that 4:30 AM will come quickly. We have to be at the airport 3 hours ahead of time so our driver is picking us up at 6 AM.

This will be the last update from Colombia! I will try to do a couple of more updates over the next week, just to let everyone know how we are adjusting. The last adoption update will be posted after Cameron’s Welcome Home party on July 17th. We will be sure to post pictures of the event.

I was able to take a few pictures of our outing this morning. Nothing really exciting but here they are.

Day 25 Photos