Here are some more pictures from the past couple of days. Everything is going really well. This week is our bonding time with Cameron so there is nothing to do but enjoy him. Our next official meeting will be Monday with the ICBF (Colombian Family Services) to make the adoption official from their end. Then we have to go through the legal portion which could take a couple of weeks.
I haven’t found a good video plugin for our website yet, so all of the video is being posted to FaceBook. As soon as I find a good plugin, we will post the video here too.
Also, check back on the previous posts as I have been adding details to them as I have time.
Day 3 Photos
Day 4 Photos
Day 3 Videos
Cameron is a happy boy at meal time!
Some more footage of Mommy feeding Cameron.
Mary Ann has a new man in her life…but I am okay with it. =)
Day 4 Videos
Mommy mixed some mango in with Cameron’s morning cerel. He liked it! Notice the spoon…he loves to hold a spoon while he eats.
Cameron’s foster family must have taught him about remote controls. He’s got mad skills with a TV remote!