Colombia Day 6 – Zoo Trip

One of the nice things about staying at the Hotel Pension Stein is that the owner loves to take adopting families on outings around the city. Today we had the opportunity to visit the Cali Zoo with one of the other families staying here at the hotel.

Day 6 Photos

Day 6 Videos

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After daddy’s computer again. The word “no” is the same in English and Spanish, but we doesn’t seem to know either at the moment.

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Cameron’s toy bag! He likes kicking things, even his books.

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Cameron walks pretty well. He is still a little wobblely, but manages to get around pretty good.

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Cameron loves his big red ball that he brought with him from the foster family.

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Cameron wasn’t tool impressed by the fish at the zoo. And no, that isn’t him screaming! =)

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Ahhh, the monkey cage. Cameron’s favorite!

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The Zebra Pin…no response.

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Okay, here is the crazy bear. Poor thing made us laugh. Not sure what he was trying to say.

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This bear had to be a close cousin to the cliff bear. He was swimming around and around his bath tub building up a current. Self made whirlpool tub!

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Cameron and mommy play patty cake while watching the deer.

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Big, Bad, Tiger! This tiger was pretty active compared to many of the animals in the zoo.

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Okay, here is the llama video. Mary Ann was trying to get Cameron to feed the llamas. It didn’t go over so well. Won’t be working the family farm anytime soon. Sorry.