Colombia Day 7 – A Trip to the Mountains

Happy Father’s Day to all of the dads out there! Figured I would start with that since it is a little fresh on my mind. =)

Sunday’s are a little different around Hotel Pension Stein. Since they don’t serve lunch on Sunday’s, the owner of the hotel takes all of the adopting families to lunch at a local restaurant of his choosing. He tries to pick places that give us a taste of Colombia. Today we traveled about 20 minutes into the mountains, which are right next door to the city, to a little country restaurant (as he calls it). It was AMAZING! The food was so good. Even the things that I don’t normally eat were really, really good. We had a wonderful time!

There are so many families here now that are adopting. It is had to keep track. There are at least two or three Norwegian families, one Swedish family, one German couple, another American couple, and us. The other American couple is leaving today in order to travel to Bogota to get their baby’s visa before traveling back to the states. Best of luck to them on this last leg of their journey! Most of the other people in these pictures are adopting families. Some have already gotten their children and others will be going this week to start their process.

Be sure to click on one of the pictures to navigate through the photos and see the descriptions.

Day 7 Photos

Day 7 Videos

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Driving through the mountain villages outside of Cali.

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Outside of the restaurant. The gardens and play area were very pretty. I loved the big tree in the center of the grounds. It was very interesting close up.

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Cameron drinking lemonade. We thought we were going to get a funny face out of him, but it seems that he is used to it. Patrick thought it was pretty sour.

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The clouds were moving over the mountain top as we were eating.

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All the children went out into the play area after lunch. It was a little wet so we didn’t really want Cameron getting muddy, but he enjoyed watching.

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The drive back down the mountain. Watch the side of the road, there were lots of little tents with people selling goat milk and cheese. We even saw them milking the goats!