Day 14 – Afternoon at the Mall

Well, our morning was great! Of course, I don’t remember a lot of it because daddy apparently slept all morning. I remember getting up for breakfast and then playing a few hands of Crazy 8’s with Cameron, but beyond that I don’t remember anything until Mary Ann woke me up at 12:45 PM and reminded me that we needed to catch the taxi at 1:30 PM to meet Magnolia at her house. We needed to exchange some money to pay the lawyer and Magnolia was going to help us with that. So, the morning was a little hazy. =)

We caught the taxi at 1:30 PM and headed to Magnolia’s house. Colombian taxis are always fun. They are pretty small, which I assume is because they have to weave in and out of traffic like crazy folk. All four of us sat in the back of a taxi like the one pictured here. About halfway there Cameron looks up at me (as he is squeezed between Mary Ann and I) and says, “Daddy, this isn’t very comfortable.” He is so cute. =)

After getting the money we needed, Magnolia dropped us by a shopping mall while she attended to some other business. Besides picking up a few needed things, we were also able to visit McDonald’s for our first family visit to this American institution….in Colombia. =) Ordering at restaurants is always fun, but Mary Ann did a great job. =) Below are a couple of pictures from our visit.

The Mulvehill Family at McDonald’s in Colombia.

From his reaction, we think that this was the first time Cooper had drank from a straw.

This is what was left of Cooper’s first Happy Meal! He ate the whole thing!!

This evening Cameron got a special treat. His Wednesday night class from church got on Google Talk and said hello. Though I think he was excited to see them, it also made him a little sad and he wasn’t with them. It wasn’t too long after that, however, that we got a little excitement in our room that made us all smile….well, except for Cooper.

We were just sitting around before dinner, I was doing some work on the computer, Mary Ann was checking e-mail, and Cameron was playing with Cooper. All of the sudden Cooper started screaming and jumping up and down. We had no idea what was going on, Cameron was on the other side of the room, and Cooper hadn’t fallen or anything. He just kept pointing toward the door to the little patio outside of our room. We thought that maybe he saw a lizard or something, so we tried to calm him down by showing him it was okay. Mary Ann got down by the door and looked under the bed to find the lizard….only it wasn’t a lizard, but a cat! Mary Ann pulled the cat from under the bed and Cooper ran for the other side of the room (see the video). It was too funny. He had loved the dogs that we saw up in the mountains on Sunday, but he is obviously not a cat person. =)

Later we found out that the cat belongs to the owner of the hotel and that she doesn’t like to be alone. Our door had been open earlier this afternoon and she must had found her way in looking for some company.

Tomorrow morning we go to the zoo. Cameron is very excited.