As Cameron would say, “Ladies & Gentlemen, Boys & Girls, presenting the Cali Zoo!!!”
Needless to say, Cameron has been waiting for this day for awhile! He woke up so excited that the day had finally arrived. There were two things that he wanted to see most, the monkeys and the meerkats (which he saw on a deck of animal planet cards). I was pretty sure about the monkeys, but not so sure about the meerkats. But I figured he would enjoy it no matter what.
It was a beautiful morning as we headed into the zoo. We were joined by our new friends from Texas and their daughter. Both of the boys have really taken a liking to the daughter, though she doesn’t speak any English they still seem to communicate. Of course nothing stops Cameron from non-stop conversation in his thick southern draw.
Most of the animals were active and fun to watch. There were a few, like the crazy bear from last time (, that decided to just nap the morning away (sounds like somebody else we know from yesterday). Overall, I think that boys enjoyed the animals a lot and Cameron got to see both of the animals he was looking for after all. =)
We got back to hotel, ate lunch, and had good naps.