Day 18 – Day at the River

Another Sunday comes and today we got to spend the day by the river at a little restaurant that Heinrich likes to take the families too. They have great empanadas and plantain chips, not to mention the beautiful view of the river and a nice pool area. We did a little swimming, crossed the river (Cameron’s idea), and ate lunch. Both Cooper and Cameron loved the kiddie pool. Cameron had a lot of fun playing with the adopted daughter of our friends from Texas. Throwing cups of water at each other was the game of the day. It was a beautiful day, even though the taxi ride to and from the river was a bit rough for daddy. The taxi didn’t have windows that opened where daddy ending up sitting and the roads had lots of curves winding up the mountain by the river. We saw lots of people swimming at different spots along the river. The river in Cali is like the beach in Savannah…the place to go to cool off and get a tan. Most places were very crowded, but the restaurant we went too was not. It requires a fee per person, so it is not as popular with the locals.

Below are some pictures and video from the day.