Day 7 – Adjusting to Our New Family

Our first night together as a family went so smoothly. Much like our first night with Cameron, Cooper slept through the night without any problems. He didn’t cry at all and it feels like he has just been here the whole time. It must be something in the genes. =)


Today was definitely all about bonding. There is a reason that they give us a week before sending the paperwork off to the courts. They call it the integration week. It just boils down to each family member trying to discover and adjust to their new role. Those of you that have two or more kids know about the challenges of bringing home a newborn to siblings. Though bringing a 2 year old home is a little different, there are a lot of the same dynamics. Cameron adores his new baby brother, but he is still struggling a bit with his domain being shared with this new baby. It is a lot of fun to watch the two of them play and love on each other.

We were a little worried about Cooper’s eating habits. We had been given some information about his bottles and things that he liked to eat. We approached it much like we did with Cameron, we just decided to see what he would eat. Amazingly, he loves everything (just like Cameron) and knows what he wants. The past couple of meals, he has been eating like a champ and we hope that he will gain some much needed weight over the next couple of weeks.

Everything is going well. Please continue to pray for us as we continue our bonding as a family. Below are some more clips from yesterday, showing some of the first interactions between Cameron and Cooper.