Days 17-22 – Just a Quick Update

Hey everybody! This has been a fun week, but we haven’t had a really good internet connection, nor have we had a lot of time. We have been so busy seeing this beautiful country that we haven’t had a lot of time to write. I promise that we are going to get caught up with all of the amazing pictures and descriptions of the places that we have visited this this past week.

The big news is that we will be signing the sentenica for Cooper’s adoption tomorrow morning!! This is the final legal document that marks the completion of the adoption! From there we have to get Cooper’s new birth certificates, secure plane tickets to Bogota, and pack for the next leg of our journey.

Check back tomorrow evening for more posts, but for now please keep us in your prayers as we take the next steps in completing the adoption and getting home with Cooper.

God Bless!
Patrick, Mary Ann, Cameron, and Cooper