
Patrick W. Mulvehill

Servant of Christ
Husband to Mary Ann (Hatmaker) Mulvehill
Father to Cameron David and Cooper David Mulvehill
Master to one English Springer Spaniel named Bama

Ordained and licensed as a Minister of the Gospel
Currently holds a Master of Theology and a Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) degree from Covington Theological Seminary

Employed as the Director of Technology at Calvary Day School in Savannah, Georgia (2006 – current)
Employed as the Ministry of Music at Calvary Baptist Temple in Savannah, Georgia (2013 – current)
Also work part time Kindred Hearts, Inc. in Plainfield, Illinois as a web programmer

Enjoys mountain biking, hiking, camping, kayaking, cruises, reading (though very slow at it), and anything related to computer technology. Loves to learn new things and looks for anything that will enhance his walk with the Lord.

Passions include trying to be a great father and lovely husband, participating and encouraging international adoption, promoting the health of the church, and music.

Previous Experiences include:
4 years as a Professor with Covington Theological Seminary’s online learning community
6 years as the Ministry of Music & Youth at Burkhatler Baptist Church in Savannah, Georgia
1 year as Assistant Manager of a LifeWay Christian Store in Savannah, Georgia
10 years as Technology Coordinator/Database Programmer at the Institute in Basic Life Principles in Oakbrook, Illinois