Well, we have done a number of yard sales in our day, but today’s sale tops them all. We began the day with lots and lots of stuff from our own home as well as a ton of things from the donations given by family and friends. We ended the day with $1600 dollars toward our travel expenses to Colombia! We are completely overwhelmed by the generosity of our community who were willing to shop and purchase items from the sale, not to mention the extra amounts that were donated above and beyond the sale prices. We serve a great God and are proud to live in a community where people see the importance of supporting your neighbors. Thank you to everyone who dropped by, shopped, and purchased at the sale.
We want to say a special thanks to everyone that donated items to the sale. We couldn’t have done it without your help.
Also we want to say a special thanks to the Fahning’s for their help during the day of the sale, and for helping with the clean up.
And we really couldn’t have made it through the day had it not been for the Maner family. They showed up to help me at 5 AM in the morning and stayed all through the day and for the clean up process! There is no question that Billy was our “yard sale diva” (for you Clean House watchers, you know this is a good thing)! He could sell just about anything at a great price! It was amazing to watch him work. The way he talked about some of the stuff, he had me wanting to buy it! We appreciate their help very much!
The proceeds from the sale have put us closer to raising the complete budget for the finalization of the adoption. We are looking forward to posting our travel date soon. We will never be able to say thank you enough to all of those that have had a part in this process.
Awaiting His Coming,
Patrick & Mary Ann Mulvehill